Falmouth Place Shaping

We are pleased to be appointed as consultant to support Lavigne Lonsdale architects and landscape architects along with PJA transport planning and engineering consultants to assist Falmouth Place Shaping board, a partnership of Cornwall Council, Falmouth Town Council and the town’s Neighbourhood Plan team and Business Improvement District. David Orr is providing urban design . . . → Read More: Falmouth Place Shaping

Sandwich town centre

We are pleased to have been appointed to support Rummey Design on a project for Kent County Council, Sandwich Town Council and the Sandwich Town team on a review of traffic and public realm in this lovely historic cinque port town. The urban area is a tightly laid out mediaeval pattern with extremely narrow streets . . . → Read More: Sandwich town centre


Quintessential rural small townscape. The deflected vista, as described by Gordon Cullen, shown to work so well here.

Thaxted, Essex